Produkte zum Begriff Distance-learning:
Interface Design for Learning: Design Strategies for Learning Experiences
In offices, colleges, and living rooms across the globe, learners of all ages are logging into virtual laboratories, online classrooms, and 3D worlds. Kids from kindergarten to high school are honing math and literacy skills on their phones and iPads. If that weren’t enough, people worldwide are aggregating internet services (from social networks to media content) to learn from each other in “Personal Learning Environments.” Strange as it sounds, the future of education is now as much in the hands of digital designers and programmers as it is in the hands of teachers.And yet, as interface designers, how much do we really know about how people learn? How does interface design actually impact learning? And how do we design environments that support both the cognitive and emotional sides of learning experiences? The answers have been hidden away in the research on education, psychology, and human computer interaction, until now. Packed with over 100 evidence-based strategies, in this book you’ll learn how to:Design educational games, apps, and multimedia interfaces in ways that enhance learningSupport creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration through interface designDesign effective visual layouts, navigation, and multimedia for online and mobile learningImprove educational outcomes through interface design.
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Interface Design for Learning: Design Strategies for Learning Experiences
In offices, colleges, and living rooms across the globe, learners of all ages are logging into virtual laboratories, online classrooms, and 3D worlds. Kids from kindergarten to high school are honing math and literacy skills on their phones and iPads. If that weren’t enough, people worldwide are aggregating internet services (from social networks to media content) to learn from each other in “Personal Learning Environments.” Strange as it sounds, the future of education is now as much in the hands of digital designers and programmers as it is in the hands of teachers.And yet, as interface designers, how much do we really know about how people learn? How does interface design actually impact learning? And how do we design environments that support both the cognitive and emotional sides of learning experiences? The answers have been hidden away in the research on education, psychology, and human computer interaction, until now. Packed with over 100 evidence-based strategies, in this book you’ll learn how to:Design educational games, apps, and multimedia interfaces in ways that enhance learningSupport creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration through interface designDesign effective visual layouts, navigation, and multimedia for online and mobile learningImprove educational outcomes through interface design.
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Deep Learning Design Patterns
Deep learning has revealed ways to create algorithms for applications that we never dreamed were possible. For software developers, the challenge lies in taking cutting-edge technologies from R&D labs through to production. Deep Learning Design Patterns is here to help. In it, you'll find deep learning models presented in a unique new way: as extendable design patterns you can easily plug-and-play into your software projects. Written by Google deep learning expert Andrew Ferlitsch, it's filled with the latest deep learning insights and best practices from his work with Google Cloud AI. Each valuable technique is presented in a way that's easy to understand and filled with accessible diagrams and code samples.about the technologyYou don't need to design your deep learning applications from scratch! By viewing cutting-edge deep learning models as design patterns, developers can speed up their creation of AI models and improve model understandability for both themselves and other users.about the bookDeep Learning Design Patterns distills models from the latest research papers into practical design patterns applicable to enterprise AI projects. Using diagrams, code samples, and easy-to-understand language, Google Cloud AI expert Andrew Ferlitsch shares insights from state-of-the-art neural networks. You'll learn how to integrate design patterns into deep learning systems from some amazing examples, including a real-estate program that can evaluate house prices just from uploaded photos and a speaking AI capable of delivering live sports broadcasting. Building on your existing deep learning knowledge, you'll quickly learn to incorporate the very latest models and techniques into your apps as idiomatic, composable, and reusable design patterns. what's insideInternal functioning of modern convolutional neural networksProcedural reuse design pattern for CNN architecturesModels for mobile and IoT devicesComposable design pattern for automatic learning methodsAssembling large-scale model deploymentsComplete code samples and example notebooksAccompanying YouTube videosabout the readerFor machine learning engineers familiar with Python and deep learning.about the authorAndrew Ferlitsch is an expert on computer vision and deep learning at Google Cloud AI Developer Relations. He was formerly a principal research scientist for 20 years at Sharp Corporation of Japan, where he amassed 115 US patents and worked on emerging technologies in telepresence, augmented reality, digital signage, and autonomous vehicles. In his present role, he reaches out to developer communities, corporations and universities, teaching deep learning and evangelizing Google's AI technologies.
Preis: 58.84 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Die Distance von Black Diamond sind ideal für Tagestouren und Backpacking! Die stabilen Trekkingstöcke kommen mit innovativer Z-Pole Technologie, wodurch sie schnell einsetzbar sind und sich auch problemlos wieder verstauen lassen.
Preis: 99.90 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
Was ist eure Meinung zum Distance Learning?
Als KI kann ich keine Meinung haben, aber Distance Learning hat Vor- und Nachteile. Einerseits ermöglicht es den Zugang zu Bildung für Menschen, die keine Möglichkeit haben, physisch an einer Schule oder Universität zu sein. Andererseits kann es schwierig sein, die gleiche Qualität der Bildung und den persönlichen Austausch zu erreichen, der in einem traditionellen Klassenzimmer stattfindet.
Mögt ihr Distance Learning oder Präsenzunterricht mehr?
Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Vorlieben, aber ich kann sagen, dass es Vor- und Nachteile sowohl beim Distance Learning als auch beim Präsenzunterricht gibt. Distance Learning bietet Flexibilität und die Möglichkeit, von überall aus zu lernen, während Präsenzunterricht den direkten Austausch mit Lehrern und Mitschülern ermöglicht. Letztendlich hängt es von den individuellen Präferenzen und den spezifischen Umständen ab, welches Format bevorzugt wird.
Wie sieht es mit Datenschutz und Privatsphäre beim Distance Learning in Österreich aus?
Beim Distance Learning in Österreich gelten die allgemeinen Datenschutzbestimmungen, insbesondere die Bestimmungen der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO). Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen müssen sicherstellen, dass personenbezogene Daten der Schülerinnen und Schüler geschützt werden und nur für den vorgesehenen Zweck verwendet werden. Es ist wichtig, dass die Schulen transparent über die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten informieren und die Einwilligung der Betroffenen einholen, wenn dies erforderlich ist.
Was ist die Definition des Distance Modulus und der Luminosity Distance in Glyr?
Der Distance Modulus ist eine Maßzahl für die Entfernung eines astronomischen Objekts und wird in der Einheit Magnitude (mag) angegeben. Er wird berechnet, indem man die scheinbare Helligkeit eines Objekts mit der absoluten Helligkeit vergleicht. Die Luminosity Distance hingegen ist ein Maß für die tatsächliche Entfernung eines Objekts und wird in der Einheit Glyr (Gigalichtjahr) angegeben. Sie berücksichtigt die Ausdehnung des Universums und wird durch die Hubble-Konstante beeinflusst.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Distance-learning:
Die Distance von Black Diamond sind ideal für Tagestouren und Backpacking! Die stabilen Trekkingstöcke kommen mit innovativer Z-Pole Technologie, wodurch sie schnell einsetzbar sind und sich auch problemlos wieder verstauen lassen.
Preis: 99.90 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design (Chapter 5 from Disrupt Together)
To build teams that can successfully innovate, you must understand the diverse learning styles your team will need, and how to get the best from each individual contributor. Now, discover how to successfully integrate diverse learning styles into a comprehensive, team-based innovation framework that works. The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design is part of Philadelphia University's breakthrough approach to innovation: one that links business, design and engineering, and delivers extraordinary results in both new and existing ventures. First, Dr. Stephen Spinelli and Heather McGowan introduce this "Disrupt Together" approach, explain its deep roots in design thinking, and show how it generates far more high-value ideas for innovation. Next, Dr. Sara Beckman drills down to focus specifically on team learning styles. You'll learn how to build a team that can smoothly navigate innovation processes, leveraging diverse skills, abilities, and styles. Beckman links phases and key activities of the innovation process directly to specific skills and styles. She offers expert guidance on designing innovation teams – and on determining who should lead each key activity, and when. The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design is one of 15 e-chapters addressing all facets of innovation, from design processes and team development to business models and value delivery. Each is crafted by a pioneering business innovator – and they all integrate into today's most coherent, realistic blueprint for innovation. For all entrepreneurs, executives, managers, strategists, and students who want to drive more value from innovation. Dr. Sara Beckman, CLO of the Institute for Design Innovation, teaches design and innovation at University of California's Haas School of Business. There, she recently initiated a course on problem framing and solving that integrates approaches from critical thinking, systems thinking, and creative problem solving. Her research focuses on the value of design to business and the ability to collaborate to innovate. She also has worked at Hewlett-Packard and Booz and Co., and actively consults with several companies. She has B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering and an M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University.
Preis: 5.34 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design (Chapter 5 from Disrupt Together)
To build teams that can successfully innovate, you must understand the diverse learning styles your team will need, and how to get the best from each individual contributor. Now, discover how to successfully integrate diverse learning styles into a comprehensive, team-based innovation framework that works. The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design is part of Philadelphia University's breakthrough approach to innovation: one that links business, design and engineering, and delivers extraordinary results in both new and existing ventures. First, Dr. Stephen Spinelli and Heather McGowan introduce this "Disrupt Together" approach, explain its deep roots in design thinking, and show how it generates far more high-value ideas for innovation. Next, Dr. Sara Beckman drills down to focus specifically on team learning styles. You'll learn how to build a team that can smoothly navigate innovation processes, leveraging diverse skills, abilities, and styles. Beckman links phases and key activities of the innovation process directly to specific skills and styles. She offers expert guidance on designing innovation teams – and on determining who should lead each key activity, and when. The Role of Learning Styles in Innovation Team Design is one of 15 e-chapters addressing all facets of innovation, from design processes and team development to business models and value delivery. Each is crafted by a pioneering business innovator – and they all integrate into today's most coherent, realistic blueprint for innovation. For all entrepreneurs, executives, managers, strategists, and students who want to drive more value from innovation. Dr. Sara Beckman, CLO of the Institute for Design Innovation, teaches design and innovation at University of California's Haas School of Business. There, she recently initiated a course on problem framing and solving that integrates approaches from critical thinking, systems thinking, and creative problem solving. Her research focuses on the value of design to business and the ability to collaborate to innovate. She also has worked at Hewlett-Packard and Booz and Co., and actively consults with several companies. She has B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering and an M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University.
Preis: 4.27 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Daiwa Feederrute N'Zon Distance / XL Distance Feeder XL Distance Feeder, XL Distance Feeder / 396cm 0-150g
Klassische Feederruten mit starkem Rückgrat und sehr schneller Aktion. Die Ruten liegen sehr ausbalanciert in der Hand und haben enorme Kraftreserven und befördern auch schwere Futterkörbe punktgenau ans Ziel. Ideal wenn in starker Strömung oder in sehr großen Distanzen gefischt wird. Diese Ruten haben etwas größere Ringe auf den Quiverspitzen, damit Knoten von Schlagschnüren problemlos durchrutschen können.
Preis: 88.39 € | Versand*: 10.98 €
Warum Deep Learning im Vergleich zu Machine Learning?
Deep Learning unterscheidet sich von Machine Learning durch seine Fähigkeit, automatisch Merkmale aus den Daten zu extrahieren, anstatt dass diese manuell definiert werden müssen. Dadurch ist Deep Learning in der Lage, komplexere und abstraktere Muster in den Daten zu erkennen und zu lernen. Dies ermöglicht es Deep Learning-Modellen, in vielen Anwendungsbereichen, wie Bild- und Spracherkennung, bessere Leistungen zu erzielen als herkömmliche Machine Learning-Modelle.
Wie funktioniert eine Park Distance Control?
Wie funktioniert eine Park Distance Control?
Was bedeutet "distance" bei der DNA?
In Bezug auf die DNA bezieht sich "distance" normalerweise auf die Anzahl der Basenpaare zwischen zwei bestimmten Punkten auf der DNA-Sequenz. Es kann verwendet werden, um die genetische Distanz zwischen zwei Genen oder Markern zu messen und Informationen über die Verwandtschaft oder Evolution zu liefern. Die Distanz kann auch verwendet werden, um die räumliche Anordnung von Genen auf einem Chromosom zu beschreiben.
Was bedeutet "distance" bei den DNA-Ergebnissen?
"Distance" bei den DNA-Ergebnissen bezieht sich auf die genetische Distanz oder den genetischen Unterschied zwischen verschiedenen Individuen oder Populationen. Es wird verwendet, um die Ähnlichkeit oder Verwandtschaft zwischen ihnen zu quantifizieren. Eine geringe Distanz deutet auf eine engere genetische Verwandtschaft hin, während eine größere Distanz auf eine größere genetische Unterschiedlichkeit hinweist.
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